Travis Mong

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Albert Einstein

October 9, 2020

Machine learning for transient recognition in difference imaging with minimum sampling effort

GOTO Classifier

The amount of observational data produced by time-domain astronomy is exponentially increasing. Human inspection alone is not an effective way to identify genuine transients from the data. An automatic real-bogus classifier is needed and machine learning techniques are commonly used to achieve this goal. Building a training set with a sufficiently large number of verified transients is challenging, due to the requirement of human verification. I presented an approach for creating a training set by using all detections in the science images to be the sample of real detections and all detections in the difference images, which are generated by the process of difference imaging to detect transients, to be the samples of bogus detections. This strategy effectively minimizes the labour involved in the data labelling for supervised machine learning methods. I demonstrated the utility of the training set by using it to train several classifiers utilizing as the feature representation the normalized pixel values in 21x21 pixel stamps centred at the detection position, observed with the Gravitational-wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO) prototype. The real-bogus classifier trained with this strategy can provide up to 95% prediction accuracy on the real detections at a false alarm rate of 1%.

January 10, 2018

X-Ray Observations of Magnetar SGR 0501+4516 from Outburst to Quiescence


Study of magnetars is useful to understand the effects of a strong magnetic field on neutron stars. I performed detail spectral and temporal analyses on a quiescent magnetar, SGR 0501+4516, using the X-ray data obtained from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, XMM-Newton, and Suzaku. The best-fit regression spectral model consists of two blackbody components, indicating the inhomogeneous temperature on the stellar surface. My results also agree with the prediction by the twisted magnetosphere model.